Monday, 11 July 2011

Nun run?? Mens Health survival of fittest anyone?

Sunday morning there was a charity 5k in the town. It was for the same cause as the rowing competition by myself the previous day. To show my support I thought I would go down to pass on the donations from the rowing, and as I'd be there I wasn't going to stand and watch!!

Saw there was a prize for best fancy dress so about 30mins before I got a nun costume from my sister - I don't know what bright spark decided this was a good idea!! :) Never the less jogged down put the suit on, 104 starters and only me and a small child in costume!! A bit imbarrasing to say the least but too late to pull out and at the end of the day it was all to a good cause, not a proper race and just good fun.

I ended up winning in the costume!! ran a 17.58 in a long skirt, thats only a minute or so behind my best. Strange how sometimes you just get a good day. Even though it wasn't serious I was pleased to have finally run something half decent since the ultra.

Big well done to my sister and her friends who have decided to take on the Cardiff half marathon in October who ran the 5k in a super effort. I love it when people go out of there comfort zone and do something like this - it's easy for people who train all the time but beginners who do these events, whatever distance is what it's all about in my opinion.

Going on to my next event, I'm not sure about the 40 mile next month, I'll just be in bits again and struggle for a while, so I'm thinking I'd rather just get 3 good months of training in and just aim for the coastal challenge as I seriously loved that event last year. Hmmmm decisions.

Going on to something totally different I'm trying to organise a trip on the 2nd of October to Cardiff to take part and have a great laugh doing Men's Health Survival of the fittest. It's a 10k route around the city, but with some hilarious and great obstacles. One of which is running up and down some of the steps in the Millenium Stadium. Not sure on final details yet but get in touch if interested.

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