Friday, 1 July 2011

Living for the adventure.

Having done some multiterrain 10km last nigh I realised how much fitness I've lost in the recovery period. It was a shocker on my behalf last night but then maybe it's a case of one step back to go two ahead. Since I decided I that I couldn't be arssed to obsess with time and splits and all that stuff and just live for the adventure and personal challenge I found I was knocking pb's out all year up till now where I've taken some recovery time. On top of this I enjoyed it so much more and I never woke up thinking anything was a 'chore' attitude. Makes me think that one of the most important aspects of health and wellbeing is the enjoyment reason - for me anywey. I do it becasue I love the adventure of it all and what I find out about myself. With that said I spent the last two weeks trying to run faster, getting obsessed with my garmin and lap times which in turn ment too much planning and too much 'following a plan' stuff so I'm just going to get back to my 'winging' it attitude which held me in good stead earlier in the year.

Seven weeks out will give me about 4-5 weeks to build better endurance up before I do this 40mile which will be good practice to the coastal challenge.

With that said, a fast run yesterday as well as about 8mile easy today. I'm slowly getting back in the 'zone' but it's taking time. Tomorrow morning I'm going to run on the coastal path, no set distance, no set pace just back to my 'feel' running and a good bit of distance and adventure before working Saturday evening!!

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