Tuesday, 19 July 2011

It's not rocket science it's finding a balance!

I've written a few times about nutrition and as you can maybe guess it's something I find really interesting. Often though I just dont understand peoples thinking, well actually I do - Everyones been fed all these money making fad diets just to make money. Sin foods, liquid diets, atkins diets the list goes on. Granted if you do them properly you will lose weight but the main reason you would is because of the cut in calories. For the average person it just needs to be a case of moderation!! A balance, sensible eating or whatever else you want to call it. Honestly, keep active which is essential for more things than just your weight, it helps keep your body strong which helps fight against illness, helps keep joints at there best, decreases the chances of osteoperosis, it helps keep your mind alert as well as making you feel better to name a few. Activity with resonable eating, not dieting, just sensible eating. If you ever want a nutrition programe from me there wont be any silly diets involved just balance and I promise if you stuck to it you would achieve your goal.

What bought this little rant on was earlier in the day Rhydian from the X Factor was on t.v. He's in good condition and when asked how, he simply said 'I just work out often and watch what I eat, I don't diet'

Someone on the show actually wouldn't belive him.....frustrating that people have been brainwashed with the vision that the only way to lose weight is to go on some insane diet. It's not!

Three weeks since I got back in to training properly and 3 weeks since I ate 'sensibly' and I'm almost back to my ideal weight for running (70kg). Three weeks ago I was 11st 10 now I'm 11st 2lbs and I havn't cut any carbs, protein or fats from my eating, I have all three with every meal and have trimmed down as well as feel great in everyday things as well as manage to get 50-60 miles running in and a couple of conditioning sessions. Again balance is the only way to maintain things for life!

On to something else, with my diploma in personal training coming to an end I'm finally looking starting to take the next steps to get my personal training business underway. Amongst other things I need a name, what I'm not sure yet so any help would be brilliant. The business will cater for all levels of fitness, work at any goal you have, be it sport specific or general everyday fitness. Provide nutrition advice, training programes for weight loss, endurance, strength and conditioning as well as programes for specific sports. I hope to arrange some future fitness events as well as trip to take part in various fitness events. Information on the personal training business will be up in the next few weeks so keep checking if you want to work out and get some results along with living a balanced life.


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