Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fad diets!!

Again today I heard people talking about these ridiculous diets there on. Most involving an insane cut on calories, or some sort of stupid diet that people think is the secret to being healthy, or slim like most people say. The latest I heard today was of this cereal diet - Im not lying to you it was purely cereal for almost every meal. Now come on, how is that in any way going to make you healthier for ever. Thats the point of it, healthy for ever because it reduces your risk of heart disease, kidney disorders, keeps your skin healthy, makes you feel better, let alone give you so much more drive and determination. A healthy lifestyle can even reduce risks of some cancers.

We'l use the cereal one as an example, what happens if your invited out for food with friends? What happens if something happens of the cuff that means you have to eat something else? What happens if your kids come home having made cakes in school and are begging you to try it? You get the point, it is not sustainable like every other diet. The only way to be healthy for the rest of your life is a balanced diet and exercise. I want to prove to you that you don't have to cut any food groups out of your diet and still lose weight whilst being able to eat what you want with the only secret being balance and plenty of water.

If you look at my 'nutrition' page then you can see I've kept a food log of the last week, with the idea being for me to get back to my ideal running weight but what else I wanted to show is that you can lose weight whilst still eating a balanced amount of all nutrients (Carbs, Protein and fat).

Take a look, this week I lost 3lbs and I didnt cut any food groups out, I'm full of energy which I've proved with getting 60miles of running in this week, more than I've done in weeks aswell as a couple high intensity circuit sessions. On top of it, I've somehow found myself in a track race Wednesday. Not to sure about that, never even run on a track!! Let alone have the speed for 3000m.

Eat right, and see your goals achieved.

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