Saturday, 21 January 2012

Minimum Ironman Training (in my eyes!)

The more I read up on Ironman things and the more days I spend on the bike (max of 1hr a time) I honestly think that if your goal is to 'complete' an Ironman then it can be done in 2-3months, providing your fairly fit already.

For the last 3 weeks all I've done is High intensity cardio sessions lasting between 20mins and an hour with one run being about 1hr 15. Through getting in quality training sessions and no 'junk sessions' I'm finding me improving through much much less volume!

I'll admit these sessions were pushing it until I literally had to slump over the turbo trainer in exhaustion (yes I've done my last 18 rides on the turbo!) and off just two runs a week have seen me doing 12mile runs at 6.30m/mile which is faster than I was doing them when I did a sub 3hr marathon and running 80-90mile weeks!!

Some of my sessions have been brutal but with making them high intensity I've managed to see definite improvements with much less volume!!

Volume I find takes over my life - not only is it time consuming but it leaves me exhausted and unable to move from the sofa without a bit of a moan. I know from experience how essential volume is for things like ultras and Ironmans but I honestly think before 2-3 months out of Ironman Wales I don't need to do any runs over about 15miles, cycles over about 50 and swims over 1hr. I'm doing a half Ironman early June and up until then no cycles will be over 50miles and swims over 45mins, that's not to say I wont be training hard. Some of the hardest session I've done in a long time have been the last couple weeks.

E.g. This session on the turbo trainer - 7 sets of 5min hard, 1min recovery, 1min flat out, 1min recovery x 7. It was brutal but in an hour id done a much harder bike session than some would do in 3 hours.

I've also realised the importance of rest and when I say rest I mean a complete switch off from eating well and training 1-2 days a week! Until I have to sacrifice social events for long rides followed by long runs (2months before) then I'm adopting a high intensity only policy then cramp up the volume after the half Ironman, which I belive with a bit more swimming I can do now maybe not to the standard I'd like but definitely finish it.

However it's all swings and roundabouts - last year I swore by high volume and now I'm swearing by high intensity! Truth is the maybe the reason I'm pushing out quality sessions of late is because I built up that endurance base last year and the fact I'm shocking my body with high intensity stuff is just keeping me improving. With that said I know I'll need volume but to do it now like I've heard people suggest is just too much, it will lead to burn out and lack of motivation.

I'm going to leave it 2-3months prior before training specifically for the Ironman. To a point I'd rather be underdone than overdone! So long as I'm chasing the p.b's and enjoying the volume then the improvements and main goal of nailing the Ironman will be in sight!

I asked someone what they thought minimum Ironman training was?

The reply 'Once your confident you can make it then you've done enough, the rest is just improving the level'

1 comment:

  1. Valuable and informative blog sharing. Running is best way to your health fitness. You can burn fat and calories by running.
