Saturday, 9 July 2011

Busy and very different week

After getting my first decent bit of endurance last week (Approx 65 miles) and a little bit of conditioning I felt ok. Since the ultra and especially the big recovery post event if found it all really slow getting back to my best. It's slightly annoying but it's ok, it will come and I'm still loving everything to do with fitness, whether it's doing it myself or teaching others about health and fitness or encouraging others to broaden their horizon. I honestly think whether it's to do with fitness, career goals, life goals people are capabale of achieving what they want - it's just a state of mind.

Anywey I'm aiming for about 60 od miles this week again but next weekend myself and a friend are covering the Ceredigion Coastal path which is 60 miles(lucky enough to have two coastal paths next to home). Were going to cut it down to two runs and camp half way. Should be interesting and I'm very excited for that, a whole weekend next to the sea and out in the sun, (well, touch wood) running...well with some walking. Treating it more like an adventure + the terrain is hard to run on at times, it's definetly not 'training' it's just a adventure but will do no harm.

I've spent the last week down in Cardiff doing my spinning qualification, which I past!! Great, next thing is to get a class up and running. How ever I noticed, no wonder the 'fast' runners and cyclist are from the city, granted there is some top facilites but every where is flat! This means people run at a faster pace easier and can practice holding it for longer. Saying this I wouldn't swap the coast for the city with regards to the outdoors, bludi traffic lights everywhere and to much traffic! ha ha. Giving the city a defence, a plus is that there are so many more like minded people there which is great when it comes to the outdoors, the gym, training, or even just chilling out!

Wednesday night got invited to a track night. Before we start I've never run on a proper track in my life and some of the guys here 'live' for the track and the lactic, unlike me who just lives for the 'proper' endurance :)

Excuses aside, becasue let's face it everyones got there 'thing', I decided to give it a go and jogged over, about 2 miles. Got ready, 12 of us on the start line of the 800m. Off we went, in the horrible wind and rain. Finished 6th or 7th, not sure of the time, between about 2.15-2.20 so pretty crap to be honest but I just havn't got the speed, I couldn't have put mor in and it hurt like hell, I got that numb, coppery taste in the back of my mouth after it and I was slouched over the fence in a daze for a good 30mins ha ha. Half a mile and I was done!! Shows what intensity does to a session. Was in no shape for a 3k so jogged around to be honest then headed home, nakerd!

As for today I just want to thank everyone who came to the 2k indoor rowing competition, it wasn't the best turn out but a great effort by all and thanks for the support, thanks for the prize by Mi.trainer Sheila Williams and the rowers. Raised a little for a great local cause (CADWGAN, the restoration of Cardigan Castle). Hopefully will plan another 2k event in the near future for anyone interested. Winning time of 7.12 on pretty much his first attempt on the machine. Great going.

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