Sunday, 31 July 2011

Nutrition: Eating cycles and is running a marathon guaranteed way to shift the pounds?

Had some good sessions this week, 2hrs 15 od this morning aiming to do negative reps (faster splits) every 30mins - It was encouraging to be finishing at a 6min/mile pace as well as a real feel good factor that I'd run for couple hours and finished fast. This is something I'm going to try in my next ultra in three weeks. Negatives every 10 miles just as an experiment really, the most difficult is at the start when all the 'sprinters' :-) fly off and the tempation to go with them.

Moving on, I want to talk about eating cycles. What I mean by eating cylces are adjusting the amount you eat in partnership with the volume or intensity of training. This is important, even if someone is trying to lose weight. Long term not eating more whilst training more disn't fit and will cause a crash, where by it be a stop in training or a stop on the balanced diet.

Maybe short term it would work but in the long run its not maintainable because we all have to work and get on with life as well do are exercise.

E.g. Today I ran for over 2hrs then went to work then after work did a strength and conditioning session which is high intensity. (Notice it's usually one or the other, either high volume or intensity. Both together vary rarely only usually in events or some training days because you just cant recover from it by the next time) I ate 6 slices of peanut butter on wholemeal toast. You may think it's a lot, but one, I was going to train again in the afternoon and two, I had just run for over 2hrs. I wouldn't eat that much if I wasn't doing as much that day. Unless I re-fuel properly how can I keep training for the next target. You must balance it all out.

Sometimes people enter events such as, running, cycling, swimming or whatever it may be which require a fair bit of commitment to training. The mistake people do is use them as a weight loss plan. DONT DO THIS! If you get most of your training in and eat appropriately to how active you have been that day then the weight will take care of itself. The issues arise when people are on some sort of fad diet which restricts there calorie intake each day to a set amount. The 'diet' doesn't take in to account what you may have done that day. If you have for example, run 10 miles then some insane low calorie diet is going to totally exhaust someone. So for example that day eat more, then the next go back to normal. Eating more that day is not 'going off track' - it's eating because you really do need it. Food is not the enemy it's the fuel to achievments.

So when I get asked, 'How can you eat that much and not be 'fat'?', thats why, I don't always eat e.g. six pieces of peanut butter on toast post workout. I eat to meet the needs of the day. You can't do insane cuts and make it last, which in turn is the point of a healthier lifestyle.

If I do a marathon then I'll lose weight? is something I get asked, or told. Then I say ok, do it, do the training, do the nutrition and get the job done. It's easy to say what you could do - like me saying I could be a Homer Simpson style man if I wanted. I wont because I wouldn't do it. Easy to talk, commitment to do.

With that comes this assumption that you will automatically lose weight if you target something like this.

NO! Unless you manage your nutrition correctly which in turn will aid you to get the training sessions done then no you won't. A huge increase in activity levels will mean you need to eat more or you'll burn out. You can do this and still achieve any physique or weight goals.

I know people who have put weight on whilst training for a marathon. It's not uncommon due to the hard training involved as well as the need to eat enough to cover the training as well as feel ok for work and other daily commitments. So like always, the eating cycles need to be varied to match daily activity levels. As well as this people, girls included need to do strength and conditioning to get leaner and stronger, more muscle helps hugely with getting leaner but thats for another day.

Happy living :)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

3 weeks until next event

Since the coastal path last week I've hit it very hard and looking to keep it up before a mini taper before my next event. It's not going to be a typical three week taper, one reason being that this event (40miles) isn't one of my 'target' events but just an event to test out some new methods and techniques. Not to say I wont be trying to smash it!! A race is a race but I wont be worrying too much about how it goes etc.

By the end of the event (August 21st) i'll have strung together a good 8 week training block so will have a week off running and just X train and actually rest just re-charge before the coastal challenge end of Novemeber.

One of the main reasons I've really stated to enjoy ultra running is because each event actually means something, as well as this after a good training block it's a good chance to take a little time off post event to catch up with 'real life stuff' that most people seem to enjoy, nights out with friends. Secondly these big endurance events means I can Xtrain more often, one because things like strength and conditioning is needed as well as the things such as cycling/rowing or any other sport infact keeps it all fresh, and let's be honest, as an ultra runner (if I can call myself that) unless you'r feeling fresh and really enjoying it how on earth can you go out and train for hours!! Another reason I really like these 'challenges' is, without being cheesy, really does make you feel alive and to me is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

This week has seen me rise just before 6am every morning so far just to train my ass off! I've got some cyclying in, some strength and conditioning as well as the main thing, the run in in abundance training for about two and a half hours each morning as well as a small evening session Monday and tonight. All this because over the next five weeks I've got a job doing sports some kids. This in the mornings as well as my job in the afternoon untill 9.30pm means the next few weeks is gonna be pretty full on. Basically the 'I have no time to work out' excuse is a load of rubbish! If you want to look after yourself make time, it only needs to be 30mins. If I can get 2-3hrs in a day most days whilst working 10am to 9.30pm more or less then other have time.

Tommorow morning mind I have the morning off work so I'm going to stay away from the run and either cycle easy or take the morning off. Up to about 43miles of running since the weekend so target to get it up to nearer 70 by Sunday as well as one strength and conditioning workout.

Been hearing a lot recently about the Ironman thats coming to Tenby (Just down the road). This is mamouth and I wont lie I'm so tempted to make this my 'big' event for 2012. Only issue is I cant swim very well, seriously I'm terrible and I don't like it but the whole event is so tempting, and so hard so I love it.

We shall see....

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Ceredigion Coastal Path - DONE!

The Ceredigion coastal path proved to be pretty challenging but one thing it did do was make me well motivated to now, after seesawing back and fourth to maybe give that 40mile ultra run a go next month. My thinking is to use it as training (too an extent, let's be honest people are always competitive in races) and a bit of an experiment. I averaged 9min mile for the 50miler and I was in complete agony, so I think I'll try and start at that pace, be disciplined and try doing negative splits every 10miles just to see how I feel. That's for another day.

Anyway on to the coastal path - We started about 10am left the car in Aberaeron with the tent, caught the bus and train to the start which would make it about 27miles Thursday and 32miles Friday.

I was dressed in compression stuff, had a bandanna and a callback on early Thursday so took some weird looks on the commute up, but who cares really :)

Before we knew it we were almost in Aberystwyth which went fast - but Tom pushed the pace early on, not really fast but faster than I thought as we spoke about doing the whole thing really casually in about 6-7hrs, we wernt going at that pace! Kept plodding on, the terrain wasn't the worst I've had but like always it's relentless as you constantly have to concentrate on footing etc. At one point a lamb charged at us ha ha felt like I was back on the rugby field.

Arrived at Llanrwstyd, the sun was beaming and Tom was starting to feel it, considering he's never done a marathon, only one 22mile run ever and is predominantly a top rower he was going well. I grabbed a sandwich from the shop and kept jogging, Tom couldn't face food. He needed to eat because of the sheer time on our feet, he couldn't stomach anything but water but kept going fair play. We had about 13miles left that day. He was adamant of taking the road for a break from the path - I didn't fancy that due to the sheer traffic and the fact that it wouldn't be the path so reluctantly we split up. Tom took the road and I the path.

It flattened out to Aberaeron but the sun was getting stronger but I actually felt fine which shows how different this sort of stuff is to your usual 10km. Tom is only about 1 min slower than me over that distance but at this, he was finding it much harder. Finally arrived at Aberaeron in about 4hrs 50, felt strong and contemplated if doing the whole thing in one go would be do-able, especially as I've heard the rumour about there being an unofficial world record of 12hrs 34 for the whole thing!

No sign of Tom so I jogged back on myself to meet him, couldn't find him, getting abit worried as the roads slightly shorter and the traffic is fast. Two Min's later there he was back down on the path I spotted his bright yellow T -Shirt. He was almost there, fair play to him he ran just over a marathon on the coastal path but was exhausted, he admitted he totally underestimated back to back days on the path so left it at that this time, but I bet he'll be back for a second go sometime :)

Re-fuelled for the second day with recovery drinks, fish and chips, malt loaf, and various un-healthy snacks. I go on about eating good food etc but with things like things I gorge on junk as it just smashes the calories in quick and is so much more effective when it's just about energy and recovery. Good food in everyday life but junk in a big endurance event.

Second day was harder, went off strong but it's always harder alone after a while. Got around Llangrannog and the path got so hilly, I couldn't run it was just up and down for miles. My foot started hurting, around the metatarsal area on top of my foot, its a bit bruised now so not sure what that's about. With about 13miles left I saw a cafe - had enough money for eggs on toast, smashed that in me chilled out then plodded on all the way home.

Arrived home, I was locked out!! Couldn't belive it - so had to wait out for a bit on the front lawn.

There we are did it, in future I fancy that record!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Carb loading pre Coastal Path

With the coastal path back to back 30miles tommorow I'll do my usuall carb load. I'm not going insane because it's not racing its more an adventure, time is erelevant so no need to worry about loading to be faster or so fourth. However I find Carb loading still a help for long stuff as as well as making things a little easier, mentally I feel better. Almost as if I'm at peace with my mind on whether or not I should have ate more etc.

So today this is what I've ate -

Breakfast - Porridge, banana, milk, rasberries. 2 slices of wholemeal toast with peanut butter.
Mid AM - Wholemeal bagel with jam
Lunch - Mum's cottage pie :) with kale, broccoli and cauliflower
Mid Pm - Peanut butter wholemeal bagel
Mid Pm - Wholemeal bagel peanut butter, banana
Dinner - Couscous salad with some pork that I made at home.
Evening - Wholemeal bagelwith soft cheese

I've ate a fair few bagels but there a awsome complex carb hit so not a bad eat today. Very approx guess of about 300-400 grams of carbs today, thats a guesstimate though. If thats correct it's good enough.

Kit ready - Food ready, Got my camera, should be a good trip.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

It's not rocket science it's finding a balance!

I've written a few times about nutrition and as you can maybe guess it's something I find really interesting. Often though I just dont understand peoples thinking, well actually I do - Everyones been fed all these money making fad diets just to make money. Sin foods, liquid diets, atkins diets the list goes on. Granted if you do them properly you will lose weight but the main reason you would is because of the cut in calories. For the average person it just needs to be a case of moderation!! A balance, sensible eating or whatever else you want to call it. Honestly, keep active which is essential for more things than just your weight, it helps keep your body strong which helps fight against illness, helps keep joints at there best, decreases the chances of osteoperosis, it helps keep your mind alert as well as making you feel better to name a few. Activity with resonable eating, not dieting, just sensible eating. If you ever want a nutrition programe from me there wont be any silly diets involved just balance and I promise if you stuck to it you would achieve your goal.

What bought this little rant on was earlier in the day Rhydian from the X Factor was on t.v. He's in good condition and when asked how, he simply said 'I just work out often and watch what I eat, I don't diet'

Someone on the show actually wouldn't belive him.....frustrating that people have been brainwashed with the vision that the only way to lose weight is to go on some insane diet. It's not!

Three weeks since I got back in to training properly and 3 weeks since I ate 'sensibly' and I'm almost back to my ideal weight for running (70kg). Three weeks ago I was 11st 10 now I'm 11st 2lbs and I havn't cut any carbs, protein or fats from my eating, I have all three with every meal and have trimmed down as well as feel great in everyday things as well as manage to get 50-60 miles running in and a couple of conditioning sessions. Again balance is the only way to maintain things for life!

On to something else, with my diploma in personal training coming to an end I'm finally looking starting to take the next steps to get my personal training business underway. Amongst other things I need a name, what I'm not sure yet so any help would be brilliant. The business will cater for all levels of fitness, work at any goal you have, be it sport specific or general everyday fitness. Provide nutrition advice, training programes for weight loss, endurance, strength and conditioning as well as programes for specific sports. I hope to arrange some future fitness events as well as trip to take part in various fitness events. Information on the personal training business will be up in the next few weeks so keep checking if you want to work out and get some results along with living a balanced life.


Friday, 15 July 2011

Men's Health Survival of the fittest (Day out)

Men’s Health Survival of Fittest day out

Men’s Health Survival of the fittest event in Cardiff on the 2nd of October. This is a great event, full of adventure as well as a great active day out. It consists of a 10km run around the city of Cardiff whilst going through numerous obstacles that makes it a great alternative to your normal 10km. One of the obstacles consists of running through the millennium stadium whilst another involves getting over monkey bars and even over a Land Rover. For more information on the event check out

All abilities are welcome; it’s a great chance to meet up with plenty of like minded people who will be taking part for all sorts of reasons. It’s not too serious and all about the fun of the day and mixing with others who fancy a new challenge.

Itinerary of trip

We shall leave for Cardiff on the Sunday morning, bright and early at 7.00am (Time subject to change) from Cardigan Leisure Centre (Pick up’s available). Look to arrive in Cardiff for 8.30am before registering, mixing with everyone else and relaxing before the adventure begins.

Post event we will give plenty of notice before returning home, plenty of time to recover and get some food (or drink  ) before travelling home late afternoon.


£70 – this includes transport to Cardiff and home. Entry to the event – which consists of a free T-shirt as well as a goody bag from the race organisers.


Sunday 2nd October 2011

Places and Contact Details

We are limited to 13 places so enter as soon as possible to be involved in a great day out.

If interested please contact Rhys Harries by phone 07970520871. Or alternatively email at

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Anticipation goes on!

Due to a couple reasons the coastal path adventure is being postponed until next week. The anticipation goes on as were both pretty excited for the trip. Should be a decent challenge, having thought more of it the other day I realised I havn't run very far in weeks so would definetly be a good challenge, just as my training is getting back on track my weight is also getting nearer where it usually is, which is good as it's a big factor with endurance event. In my opinion its definitely not about being as light as possible but everyone has an ideal weight for competing. I'm sure of this. Around the 70kg mark was where I was feeling my best. I've been 67kg before but felt useless, with no energy and lacking a bit of bite!

Finished my rest after the ultra at 75kg - and thats not because I went through a strength faze it's because I stopped doing anything major but kept the eating up. Infact all if you look at a food diary I kept previously thats pretty much how its been now for 2-3 weeks and I'm now back to 72kg and feeling the fitness coming back - all I've done was add a little bit of cross fit style workouts (strength and conditioning) and get back on the road again(Two 55-60 mile weeks). That and I've kept of the chocolate, I know it's not good but I went through a choc faze after the ultra. I could say, my body 'needed' it but thats a load of rubbish, I just got in to a more sluggish routine in the recovery period.

Had my first rest day in a while today, just had one of those days where I just needed a feet up day so got on with computer work and started to organise this proposed trp to the survival of the fittest event. Nothing finalised yet keep tabs on the 'competition' heading and I'll be sure to update. Probably going to be 13-14 spaces but I've had a fair bit of interest already so get in touch if you want to be part of a great laugh and a good workout along with good old fashion banter!

Resting up tonight gonna try and push a good paced 14 miler out in the morning.

Keep at it

Monday, 11 July 2011

Nun run?? Mens Health survival of fittest anyone?

Sunday morning there was a charity 5k in the town. It was for the same cause as the rowing competition by myself the previous day. To show my support I thought I would go down to pass on the donations from the rowing, and as I'd be there I wasn't going to stand and watch!!

Saw there was a prize for best fancy dress so about 30mins before I got a nun costume from my sister - I don't know what bright spark decided this was a good idea!! :) Never the less jogged down put the suit on, 104 starters and only me and a small child in costume!! A bit imbarrasing to say the least but too late to pull out and at the end of the day it was all to a good cause, not a proper race and just good fun.

I ended up winning in the costume!! ran a 17.58 in a long skirt, thats only a minute or so behind my best. Strange how sometimes you just get a good day. Even though it wasn't serious I was pleased to have finally run something half decent since the ultra.

Big well done to my sister and her friends who have decided to take on the Cardiff half marathon in October who ran the 5k in a super effort. I love it when people go out of there comfort zone and do something like this - it's easy for people who train all the time but beginners who do these events, whatever distance is what it's all about in my opinion.

Going on to my next event, I'm not sure about the 40 mile next month, I'll just be in bits again and struggle for a while, so I'm thinking I'd rather just get 3 good months of training in and just aim for the coastal challenge as I seriously loved that event last year. Hmmmm decisions.

Going on to something totally different I'm trying to organise a trip on the 2nd of October to Cardiff to take part and have a great laugh doing Men's Health Survival of the fittest. It's a 10k route around the city, but with some hilarious and great obstacles. One of which is running up and down some of the steps in the Millenium Stadium. Not sure on final details yet but get in touch if interested.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Busy and very different week

After getting my first decent bit of endurance last week (Approx 65 miles) and a little bit of conditioning I felt ok. Since the ultra and especially the big recovery post event if found it all really slow getting back to my best. It's slightly annoying but it's ok, it will come and I'm still loving everything to do with fitness, whether it's doing it myself or teaching others about health and fitness or encouraging others to broaden their horizon. I honestly think whether it's to do with fitness, career goals, life goals people are capabale of achieving what they want - it's just a state of mind.

Anywey I'm aiming for about 60 od miles this week again but next weekend myself and a friend are covering the Ceredigion Coastal path which is 60 miles(lucky enough to have two coastal paths next to home). Were going to cut it down to two runs and camp half way. Should be interesting and I'm very excited for that, a whole weekend next to the sea and out in the sun, (well, touch wood) running...well with some walking. Treating it more like an adventure + the terrain is hard to run on at times, it's definetly not 'training' it's just a adventure but will do no harm.

I've spent the last week down in Cardiff doing my spinning qualification, which I past!! Great, next thing is to get a class up and running. How ever I noticed, no wonder the 'fast' runners and cyclist are from the city, granted there is some top facilites but every where is flat! This means people run at a faster pace easier and can practice holding it for longer. Saying this I wouldn't swap the coast for the city with regards to the outdoors, bludi traffic lights everywhere and to much traffic! ha ha. Giving the city a defence, a plus is that there are so many more like minded people there which is great when it comes to the outdoors, the gym, training, or even just chilling out!

Wednesday night got invited to a track night. Before we start I've never run on a proper track in my life and some of the guys here 'live' for the track and the lactic, unlike me who just lives for the 'proper' endurance :)

Excuses aside, becasue let's face it everyones got there 'thing', I decided to give it a go and jogged over, about 2 miles. Got ready, 12 of us on the start line of the 800m. Off we went, in the horrible wind and rain. Finished 6th or 7th, not sure of the time, between about 2.15-2.20 so pretty crap to be honest but I just havn't got the speed, I couldn't have put mor in and it hurt like hell, I got that numb, coppery taste in the back of my mouth after it and I was slouched over the fence in a daze for a good 30mins ha ha. Half a mile and I was done!! Shows what intensity does to a session. Was in no shape for a 3k so jogged around to be honest then headed home, nakerd!

As for today I just want to thank everyone who came to the 2k indoor rowing competition, it wasn't the best turn out but a great effort by all and thanks for the support, thanks for the prize by Mi.trainer Sheila Williams and the rowers. Raised a little for a great local cause (CADWGAN, the restoration of Cardigan Castle). Hopefully will plan another 2k event in the near future for anyone interested. Winning time of 7.12 on pretty much his first attempt on the machine. Great going.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fad diets!!

Again today I heard people talking about these ridiculous diets there on. Most involving an insane cut on calories, or some sort of stupid diet that people think is the secret to being healthy, or slim like most people say. The latest I heard today was of this cereal diet - Im not lying to you it was purely cereal for almost every meal. Now come on, how is that in any way going to make you healthier for ever. Thats the point of it, healthy for ever because it reduces your risk of heart disease, kidney disorders, keeps your skin healthy, makes you feel better, let alone give you so much more drive and determination. A healthy lifestyle can even reduce risks of some cancers.

We'l use the cereal one as an example, what happens if your invited out for food with friends? What happens if something happens of the cuff that means you have to eat something else? What happens if your kids come home having made cakes in school and are begging you to try it? You get the point, it is not sustainable like every other diet. The only way to be healthy for the rest of your life is a balanced diet and exercise. I want to prove to you that you don't have to cut any food groups out of your diet and still lose weight whilst being able to eat what you want with the only secret being balance and plenty of water.

If you look at my 'nutrition' page then you can see I've kept a food log of the last week, with the idea being for me to get back to my ideal running weight but what else I wanted to show is that you can lose weight whilst still eating a balanced amount of all nutrients (Carbs, Protein and fat).

Take a look, this week I lost 3lbs and I didnt cut any food groups out, I'm full of energy which I've proved with getting 60miles of running in this week, more than I've done in weeks aswell as a couple high intensity circuit sessions. On top of it, I've somehow found myself in a track race Wednesday. Not to sure about that, never even run on a track!! Let alone have the speed for 3000m.

Eat right, and see your goals achieved.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Great weekend in the outdoors

With the amazing weather we had over the weekend and the fact that I wasn't working until the evening (Yes, working Saturday and Sunday night :( I decided to get ditched a in Fishguard and make my way home via the coastal path.

Camelbak, supplies and sun cream!! I set off with the main idea of just treating it like an adventure, no panic about speed. This was proven when I stopped to take a photo and stopped in a shop to get some fluids. In the end I covered 20miles but walked a fair bit because in a couple weeks me and a friend are going to cover the Ceredigion Coastal Path which is 60miles, my mate hasn't been running long and is training for his first marathon but fancies this - I'll be honest I'm more than up for it. Were not going to do it all in one go mind, going to make a weekend of it and have an over night stop half way. So, with that explained I added a bit of walking in to the 20 mile to remind me how I'd feel next day, during it and to get an idea of how long each day will take.

Firstly we can walk lots if we wanted and still easily cover 30miles a day so thats good. Secondly I was fine after 20mile and the endurance side of me really showed when yesterday I went back on the coastal path and ran about 11 miles - the second day I was going at a good pace and pushing it so it's good. Seems like the fitness is slowly coming back but it's definitely not there yet!

The only issue on Saturday was that I left it at 20 miles because I ran out of water. In the heat it drained me pretty fast so decided to stop before I was became a mess! Thats a bit of a problem on the path, it's so rural that if you see a shop you need to re-fuel on water or anything else you feel you need.

After Sundays run I spent the afternoon kayaking. We made a c**k up and ended up paddling the way back up the river which was frustratingly tough but for some reason I could'nt stop laughing. As if I love the pain of a challenge ha ha.

Just to end, next Saturday 9th July entries for the rowing competition are filling up so if your going to enter on the day, please register between 9-9.30am at Cardigan Leisure Centre.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Living for the adventure.

Having done some multiterrain 10km last nigh I realised how much fitness I've lost in the recovery period. It was a shocker on my behalf last night but then maybe it's a case of one step back to go two ahead. Since I decided I that I couldn't be arssed to obsess with time and splits and all that stuff and just live for the adventure and personal challenge I found I was knocking pb's out all year up till now where I've taken some recovery time. On top of this I enjoyed it so much more and I never woke up thinking anything was a 'chore' attitude. Makes me think that one of the most important aspects of health and wellbeing is the enjoyment reason - for me anywey. I do it becasue I love the adventure of it all and what I find out about myself. With that said I spent the last two weeks trying to run faster, getting obsessed with my garmin and lap times which in turn ment too much planning and too much 'following a plan' stuff so I'm just going to get back to my 'winging' it attitude which held me in good stead earlier in the year.

Seven weeks out will give me about 4-5 weeks to build better endurance up before I do this 40mile which will be good practice to the coastal challenge.

With that said, a fast run yesterday as well as about 8mile easy today. I'm slowly getting back in the 'zone' but it's taking time. Tomorrow morning I'm going to run on the coastal path, no set distance, no set pace just back to my 'feel' running and a good bit of distance and adventure before working Saturday evening!!