Sunday, 1 May 2011

Highs and lows

Iv'e been waiting for this....I'm finally feeling a bit fatigued, as if the running's about to become a chore. So that said I'm x training today with a little spin on the bike and going to cancel the 33miler I had planned for tomorrow and bike again or do nothing then look to kick start things Tuesday. This will hit my weekly milage a bit but if I'm tired I've got to cut back. The only time tired will not exist is in the 50miles itself - that day I just get the hell on with it until I reach the end!

Yesterday I did two 7.5mile runs and I really had to motivate myself to go, when im at full force I dont need a second to decide if I'm up for running I just am so with that and the thought of running today again being hard I've decided to swap the run and x train easily. With 20 miles done friday and 15 yesterday and with a 30 to come before the end of the week I doubt I'll have reached the 100 this week so I'm adjusting the goal to about 80/90miles. It may look like I'm wimping out but I'm convinced I'm so much fitter and healthier when I'm sort of open minded with the training and not forcing running just for the sake of it.

On the plus side a trip to Cardiff with work for a couple days this week will give me the perfect chance to run on the taff trail itself so that I am looking forward to.

So for now the up's and down's of training for long distance has got me on a slight down but not for long I'm sure!

Also do like this little quote I found -

When my longest run was 13 miles, a marathon seemed nearly impossible.
When my longest run was 26 miles, 50 miles seemed nearly impossible.
When my longest run was 50 miles, 100 miles seemed nearly impossible.
When my longest run was 100 miles, 50 miles seemed like a nice, long training run.
Don't let the distance scare you; run from aid station to aid station and the distance will take care of itself.

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