Yesterday I got back on the scales for the second time and It was a disappointing loss of 0.5kg, I'm now 77.1KG.
This week has reminded me so much of why I hate 'diets'. I usually swear by the everything in moderation method which suits me fine and to be honest just makes everything more relaxed and in turn makes me feel better. Meaning it's doing the job.
What I do usually is base my eating around whatever grown, lived or been planted but if I fancy a pizza, takeaway, chocolate etc occasionally I just have it. I'll admit I'm lucky and enjoy scoffing myself with bowls full of veg, salad, meat and fish so most it's what I eat. However since new year, probably as a sort of detox type thing after xmas I decided to go paleo + oats and milk because after a couple months of very little training put on 7kg.
With the goal being 73kg by March 11 when I do a marathon I have plenty of time. My fitness levels and the fact that when I'm in full force I'm training a fair bit means that unless I completely go off the rails with my eating my weight should naturally drop down a bit.
Even though I love the idea of the paleo diet and do base my eating on it, having rules about food is simply bollocks! By Wednesday I was really craving a BIG meal which tells me that for the amount of training I've done last couple weeks, the paleo way is to low calorie and too low in sugar (after a 15mile run or 2hr bike session, I really want sugar!!).
I held out Wednesday, Thursday I was craving stodge even more, this only happens when I decide to go strict with the eating, which again reminds me why I hate diets and rules in eating. Over a cup of tea I demolished half a box of celebrations, half a bag of peanuts then got myself a 12'' pizza! Fuel (food) had not tasted so good in a while. That was it, I'm not doing that again, I'd rather eat what I want in moderation than feel tired through the low calorie and then explode with some sort of monster eat.
I'm still on the project of getting back to 73kg's for this marathon but if it doesn't happen it really doesn't matter. So this weeks weight in (Sat) will be through healthy BALANCED eating along with my triathlon training.
In addition Friday I ran a hilly 12mile at 6.36 min/mile which is faster than when I did the sub 3hr marathon! I no way would have done that good a training session if I would have stuck to the paleo i.e. not fuelled up that Thursday.
If I'm classed as an endurance 'athlete' (which I beg to differ) then diets are a no go unless your training drops the same time or your just doing it for 1-2 weeks as a last bit of cutting before an event. It's got to be the moderation attitude.
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