Monday, 5 December 2011

The benefits of max intensity workouts!

The last 8 weeks have seen me take a serious break from the volume and running, I've mixed things up a lot and bar one or two 90min bike sessions, probably no session has been longer than 45mins with most being under 30mins. I've switched off every weekend and majorly relaxed on the nutrition front.

In all honesty, I've put on some weight but I actually feel great again. I put in some class workouts and even put in some PB's, and with another big year coming up with the Ironman in 2012 it's been needed. The secret I think is the fact that I've trained to a very high intensity....having to collapse on the floor post session in exhaustion intensity. I wouldn't advise it unless your very comfortable with pushing yourself and have been training for a good 6 months, if not longer but I'm seeing some great results whilst not letting it all take over my life.

1) It doesn't have to take over 100% of your life to get to a very good fitness level and be very healthy.

2) Being able to switch off is key to fitness gains, something I've definitely been guilty of in the past.

3) There is no need to do huge volume unless someones actually training for a big endurance event as I find volume leaves you fatigued for longer, mentally more than anything.

4) 20mins can be enough, even less than 10mins depending what the session is. So there is absolutely always time!

With that said, as well as getting the Personal Training up a level, my main goal for 2012 is to be able to complete a good Ironman without it taking over 100% until about 8 weeks out. I do not want to peak to soon at all, so except for some shorter triathlons, runs, cycles etc I'm only going to do one big event in the year before the Ironman, a half Ironman. I'm also going to allow 2 days off every week until about 8/12weeks out when I'll have to pick the volume up.

Finally, the way I'm training at the mo i think with 8 weeks marathon training I could get smash my 2.59 to bits but I don't think I'm going to do one to find out next year as it leaves me to drained and I want to keep myself motivated for the big one!

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