Not ideal but yesterday and today I've done two speed work sessions. It was a little sluggish today but it feels good to change my training up by only running short and sharp sessions and X training. Infact I think I've done around 17 miles on the rowing machine this week, which is more than I've done before.
Yesterday I did a fartlek session with about ten intervals of various distances and intensity then followed it up with some fartlek intervals on the concept 2. Following that this morning I used a grass track which is not flat at all and full of holes but it is what it is so I just got on with it. Also, really it makes no difference because if I consistently used it then it's the same conditions underfoot each time so I could compare the times against my older ones' on that track. After a 2mile warm up, I did 6 x 400m with about 45secs recovery. These were steady at about 80secs before a 2mile cool down jog. Not very fast to be honest but hopefully with the emphasis on speed for the next few weeks I can get these down to about 75 a lap.
On to other things I'm having a first ever attempt at mountain biking on the weekend so that should be good. Ideally I'll get on the bike and feel like I belong on a mountain bike but I dought that will happen at all, I'll probably over cautious and slow!
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