About me and contact me

I'm a qualified Personal Trainer and ultra distance athlete and my main ethos is that I wan't to prove to show people what can be achieved. I'm not a great beliver in fancy gadgets and only belive sports supplement is needed for high level athletes or used as it's suppose to be, a supplement to food only. I don't think people need to follow any fad diets and can get in to the shape of there lives or achieve goals in life without cutting any food groups out on a regular basis.

Moving on to my views on working out I strongly belive do what you enjoy as it's not a 'phase' it needs to be just part of your life just like other aspects of your life. I'm a true beliver in a balanced life of social and health but when you workout, we work out properly:)

My blog is an update about my views on nutrition and training and regular updates of all my ultra distance preperation and review. My trainings not perfect and has plenty of faults but im just saying this is what I do and is for people to read if they want.

5th Cardiff Ultra 50mile 7.45
4th Pembrokeshire Coastal Challenge - 78.6 miles
7 Marathons PB 2.59
Fan Dance 2010 - 5 hour run with a 30lb rucksack and carrying a training rifle , Approx 4,500 ft of climbing per lap, approx 15 miles per lap.

Contact me - harries_rhys87@hotmail.com