Just over three weeks until my first Ironman and it's been a crazy 5-6 months. So much training, maybe too much at times, an ongoing S.I Joint injury, being knocked off my bike 6 weeks out and the numerous other little sacrifices that have come with such an event such as a hit on the social life, the 24/7 thoughts that revolve around all things Ironman/nutrition/training/recovery etc. On top of that I have found as much as I promised myself it wouldn't the whole journey has 'taken over' as such.
Don't get me wrong I love all things fitness, adventure and find the whole nutrition side of it all fascinating but knowing 'I have to train' does get pretty annoying and there have been times when I've just wanted to quit but thats not an option at all!
Ironman has been on my to-do list for the last 5 years, since I first heard about it and like most people thought it isn't humanly possible to do such an event, the competitors must be 'on' something. What a difference 5 years has made, such a journey from a lazy person who let life pass by to someone who has managed to do everything I've aimed for, a sub 3 hr marthon, an ultra now for an Ironman!
Last year Wales hosted the first Ironman and having gone down to watch thought this is a must. Like most I didn't know where to start with the swimming, I didn't do swimming! I remember going to the pool and having to rest after 3 lengths. That only 8 months ago and even though I'm still very slow and the distance does worry me slightly I'm doing 1-1.5mile sea swims regularly. Something I'm as chuffed as anything about. SHould be fine.....Has to be fine!
The run is the run and will be 26.2 miles of pain but as long as I keep going will/have to make it. The cycling I've worked very hard at and managed to reach all my goals so far, just one to go!
I'm also 5kgs lighter than I was post xmas partying and even though I'm not quite as fast on the run as I was it's still probably my strongest section all in all so long as I get this taper correct should be going in to Ironman Wales in the best 'all around' shape I've been.....Who would have thought 5 years after thinking it wasn't possible I'm 3 weeks away from standing on the start line, EPIC!!
How am I going to taper??
I decided on a 5 week taper from the volume with the initial 2 weeks being high intensity but all very short (less than an hour including long rides). Having done so much long stuff felt I wanted that 'sharp' feeling you get with high intensity or a few of us say, 'pushing yourself until you taste blood' haha
The final 3 weeks will be a proper rest cutting volume doen to probably 40% in the 3rd week, 30% second week and 20% at most Ironman week. A bit of a change to the diet, opting for a higher protein diet during the taper before a graduall carb fest Ironman week or a few days before. Not the day before!! It's too close to be too full as such. I find it also a lot better to try and spread the carbs over the day and much easier on the stomach. The higher protein intake 2 weeks before will leave me a bit low on energy but don't worry, the training is done once you start the carb load will be able to get more carbs than usual down which will leave you 'bouncing' come Ironman - perfect!