Just over two weeks to go until the 3 marathons, an event that is definitely one to far for me this year. It's been an epic year for me with some of the events I've achieved to do, and do fairly well in as well as things to 'tick off' as such.
However, I've done a school boy error this year of just pushing it and pushing it, going further, pushing myself to the limit then going again without a real rest and like I posted before it's caught up with me and since I started with my love for fitness and challenging myself to the max I've never had a few months like the last. In simpler words it's been SHIT!
To top it off, after a good consistent week last week I ran today and my hamstring stopped me again. The hamstring that last stopped me during a 40mile event I did back in August. So again now I'm on a stop and it's almost depressing, which I don't like saying because realistically there are far more important things in life than running but honestly the last couple of months has been crap and made me really reflect back on why I started training in the first place.
It was because I loved it and enjoyed it after working all day or just as a chill out as well as enjoyed sports. To an extent I don't like how serious it's all got, all of which is my own doing. Instead of challenging myself in these events I've raced them all and it's taken all the fun out of it. It's left me paranoid with the amount of training I need to do, thinking I cant stop even when I need to which is disastrous and something I'm getting myself out of this year before it gets bonkers! 2012 there is only one event I'm training for, the Ironman which will be much more refreshing as I know I'll be crap at it so the only goal is to complete.
So long as my leg heals now, I suppose even if I do nothing for two weeks I wouldn't lose much more so I'm just going to have to change my attitude to the coastal challenge and just do it instead of race it.
Enjoy it, that's what it's all about.